Monday, 27 July 2009

awarded :)

untuk pertamakalinya dalam sejarah gue mulai blogging, gue dapet award.. yaaaay! thankyou to Jane :)

here goes the award

award meaning : Tutorit Friendship is an award that we give for blog that you think really inspire you and really friendly

Homework to special friends :
Make a posting about this award
Mention who give you this award
Gift this award to your 10 bestfriend
go to their blog and tell them you have award for them
Do the same thing like who give you this award
copy and paste at your own blog

and the award goes to...
Nydia Angelina and her starlight dream
Jeanne Eureka and her upside-down
Nadia Pramudita and her bagel and tea
Lidya Kosasih and her susu coklat hangat
Irma Sani and her juicy days
Maria Alda Prawitera and her revealed secrets

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