Sunday, 17 August 2008

kolintang's blast

BACK! here some photos from kolintang's tv shoot..  and ancol performance.. :)

actually we appeared twice, but i hadn't been watched those programs yet..

then, kita juga perform di ancol gitu deh, sama alumni juga.. tapi disaster gitu deh, alatnya itu kurang bagus bunyinya, gede dan beraaat banget! tapi gapapa sih, abis fun banget latiannya, gw sih berasanya anak kolintang baru udah mulai kompak gitu, just like the former team.. yaay!

sanur's kolintang members:


*Tessa :)

*Eci a.k.a 'kacamata ijo'



*MEIRNA-say hello to the captain!

*Becca (Adek iparnya mirna loh, hihihi)



former kol-girls :)

*kak monica OD

*tessa again, hehehe

*kak melia

*kak van

*MEIRNA the captain

*Ka Valen

*Ka Tissy



hehe rada gapenting yah gw kasi daftarnya segala.. tapi tak apa2lah, biar eksis.. :)

whoops, another pict!


silvia isabella purwita said...

haha..cacatt ih foto muluu..hahahaa
yg ancoll maen kpn?td?haha

gracias said...

yang ancol maennya sabtu kemareen :)

silvia isabella purwita said...

oooohh haha..
kok di tv ga ada?haha
*sotooy gw pdhl gw kaga buka tv dr kmrn2..hahaa